標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
1. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. For advice often asks me Sarah.
  2. Sarah often asks me for advice.
  3. Often Sarah for advice asks me.
  4. Me often asks Sarah for advice.
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
2. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. Nice looks your hair very today
  2. Today your hair nice looks very.
  3. Your hair very nice looks today.
  4. Your hair looks very nice today.
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
3. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. Need kind of battery do you?
  2. Do you need what kind of battery?
  3. Do you kind of battery need what?
  4. What kind of battery do you need?
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
4. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. Please tell me about your family.
  2. Tell me family please about your.
  3. Please about your tell me family.
  4. Family tell me please about your.
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
5. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. Why are you traveling here?
  2. You traveling here are why?
  3. You are why traveling here?
  4. Traveling here why you are?
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
6. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. Probably tennis play Tom will tomorrow morning.
  2. Tom will probably play tennis tomorrow morning.
  3. Tom tomorrow morning play tennis will probably.
  4. tomorrow morning play tennis probably Tom will.
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
7. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. Quickly to me please the problem explain.
  2. Please explain the problem to me quickly.
  3. Quickly to me explain the problem please .
  4. The problem quickly to me please explain.
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
8. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. Eyes really my itch.
  2. My eyes itch really.
  3. My eyes really itch.
  4. Itch my eyes really.
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
9. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. At the market buying are you what thinking about?
  2. What are you thinking about buying at the market?
  3. What are you buying thinking about at the market?
  4. What are you thinking buying about at the market?
配分:[10.00] 【自我挑戰重組句子】&【J檔案】解答
10. 請找出正確順序的英文句子
  1. The buildings in the world Taipei 101 the tallest is one of.
  2. Taipei 101 is tallest buildings in the world the one of.
  3. Taipei 101 is one of the tallest buildings in the world.
  4. Taipei 101 the tallest the buildings in the world is one of.
    創作者 Aweak 的頭像


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