不同網站之相同課程(名),可參考e等公務園解答-The Art of Effective Communication
Review of attempt 1
Started on | Tuesday, 21 July 2015, 10:16 PM |
Completed on | Tuesday, 21 July 2015, 10:16 PM |
Time taken | 51 secs |
Grade | 90 out of a maximum of 100 (90%) |
Question 1
Marks: 10
What description does it obviously show that the communication is influenced by intention?(Multiple-answer question)
Choose at least one answer.
Marks for this submission: 10/10.
Question 2
Marks: 10
What are the features of complimentary transaction(Multiple-answer question)
Choose at least one answer.
Marks for this submission: 10/10.
Question 3
Marks: 10
Mrs. White: My child is disabled. What should I do?How would you respond to her if you are in the winner position? (Single-answer question)
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 10/10.
Question 4
Marks: 10
What are the nonverbal behaviors? (Multiple-answer question)
Choose at least one answer.
Marks for this submission: 10/10.
Question 5
Marks: 10
The way we think and communicate with others is deeply influenced by the discipline of our parents and authority in the childhood. (True or False)
Marks for this submission: 10/10.
Question 6
Marks: 10
When you talk to someone, you observed that she was worried and tense from what she said. What is the factor thatinfluences her communication?(Single-answer question)
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 10/10.
Question 7
Marks: 10
Rachael: Ouch! I cut my finger. It is bleeding! How would you respond to her from your nurturing parent ego state? (Single-answer question)
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 10/10.
Question 8
Marks: 10
Christie says "It is a good idea to be a volunteer in the non-profit organizations." to Matt.If Matt is in the one-down position, do you think how Matt responds to her? (Single-answer question)
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 0/10.
Question 9
Marks: 10
Ruth: I can't fix the problem by myself.Dennis: I have taught you many times. Can't you ever learn?It is a crossed transaction. If you were Dennis, how would you improve your communication? (Single-answer question)
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 10/10.
Question 10
Marks: 10
Mark was so angry with his boss. If you are in the adult ego state, how would you respond to him? (Single-answer question)
Choose one answer.
Marks for this submission: 10/10.