1.What is the process of buying and selling goods and services over an electronic network?
a. electronic commerce
b. exchanges
c. online transaction
d. digital market
2.The first steps in the development of e-commerce started in which year when the Internet was first used for business purposes.
a. 1991
b. 1992
c. 1993
d. 1990
3.In what year was the first company to sell products through electronic channels founded?
a. 1994
b. 1991
c. 1993
d. 1992
4.Which company was the first to sell products only on the Internet?
a. Cadabra
b. Cadaver
c. Canada
d. Cadence
5.Which flow refers to the flow or delivery of physical items, focusing on how the manufacturer delivers the product to the consumer?
a. cash flow
b. information flow
c. logistics flow
d. service flow
6.Which of the following is not unique to e-commerce technology?
a. multimedia information
b. market globalization
c. time restriction
d. personalization
7.Which of the following are types of e-commerce?
a. C2C
b. B2B
c. all of the above
d. B2C
8.A brand that sells products and services directly through Instagram and allows users to buy directly from the platform is called:
a. social e-commerce
b. direct marketing
c. social network
d. mobile commerce
9.The model in which consumers sell their goods or services to other consumers on the eBay or Amazon platform is called:
a. B2C
b. B2B
c. P2P
d. C2C
10.A business model in which a business sells its products and services to end users or customers is called:
a. Business-to-Consumer
b. Business-to-Business
c. Consumer-to-Consumer
d. M-commerce