標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-醫療新希望—「脂肪幹細胞療法」有助治療

Dr. Lin is keen to see whether adipose-derived stem cells can repair the damaged brain tissue of stroke patients.

The word tissue in this sentence is closest in meaning to…

  1. A group of cells that perform specific functions
  2. A piece of thin soft paper that you use to blow your nose
  3. A person who requires medical care
  4. A device that is intended to be used for medical purposes
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-醫療新希望—「脂肪幹細胞療法」有助治療

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 標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-3 小時製造新式有機肥,擺脫臭氣熏天舊

After watching the video, Betty wants to share what she just learned with her friends. However, she cannot recall this part. Please help her fill in the blanks.


Soil amendments, such as synthetic fertilizers, not only ______________, damaging plants and organisms in the soil, they could also leach into groundwater and cause ______________.


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 標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-創新電池儲存科技,再生能源新突破【看紀

According to the video, the narrator says, “Dr. Yang focused on plentiful, recyclable aluminum, a metal with only one tiny drawback: no one had ever successfully used it to make a battery before.”

The word “drawback” in this sentence is closest in meaning to…

  1. kickback
  2. disadvantage
  3. drawer
  4. characteristic
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-創新電池儲存科技,再生能源新突破【看紀

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 標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-科技養魚,鮮貨零距離【看紀錄片學英語

After watching the video, Mike and Allen are discussing what they just watched. However, they cannot recall this part. Please help them fill in the blank. 

Mike : Hey! I don’t remember what the video just said about the three main drivers that are caused by climate change. I just know that they have brought difficulties to fish farmers. Do you know it? 
Allen : Emm… I remember the main drivers are rising sea surface temperatures, ______________, and _____________. They are all caused by climate change and have posed an unprecedented challenge to fish farmers around the world.


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 標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-廢棄物管理、感染性物質移動及運送
1. 下列何者是尖銳器廢棄物?
  1. 針頭
  2. 注射器
  3. 刀片
  4. 微量吸管尖
  5. 以上皆是
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-廢棄物管理、感染性物質移動及運送
2. 下列何者不是人體解剖廢棄物?
  1. 人體眼角膜
  2. 人體肝臟
  3. 人體組織切片
  4. 人體牙齒
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-廢棄物管理、感染性物質移動及運送
3. 下列何者是動物類廢棄物?
  1. 動物腎臟
  2. 動物牙齒
  3. 動物腳蹄
  4. 動物羽毛
配分:[10.00] e等公務園+學習平臺-廢棄物管理、感染性物質移動及運送

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