標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] 除夕夜圍爐!開運年菜上桌囉解答
1. This map _____ the way to get to my office from the train station.
  1. cancels
  2. shows
  3. knocks
  4. rides
配分:[10.00] 除夕夜圍爐!開運年菜上桌囉解答
2. My favorite _____ is Moon Festival. I love having barbeque!
  1. holiday
  2. library
  3. apartment
  4. prize
配分:[10.00] 除夕夜圍爐!開運年菜上桌囉解答
3. Annie _____ it might rain in the afternoon, so she packed her umbrella.
  1. heard
  2. watched
  3. tasted
  4. sounded
配分:[10.00] 除夕夜圍爐!開運年菜上桌囉解答

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 標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] 不只尋蛋!復活節各國慶典大公開解答
1. The parents enjoyed watching their children act in the _____ at their school.
  1. straw
  2. temple
  3. play
  4. hammer
配分:[10.00] 不只尋蛋!復活節各國慶典大公開解答
2. The sleeping princess _____ to life after the prince kissed her.
  1. showed up
  2. came back
  3. lit up
  4. made over
配分:[10.00] 不只尋蛋!復活節各國慶典大公開解答
3. Carrie read _____ 75 books last year, and she wants to read more this year.
  1. including
  2. along
  3. beside
  4. over
配分:[10.00] 不只尋蛋!復活節各國慶典大公開解答

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 標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] 關於感恩節吃雞 你不知道的幾件事解答
1. To many people, a _____ part of Christmas is giving gifts.
  1. pale
  2. key
  3. dark
  4. local
配分:[10.00] 關於感恩節吃雞 你不知道的幾件事解答
2. We usually _____ our dog dry food, but sometimes she gets food from our table.
  1. meet
  2. surf
  3. wear
  4. feed
配分:[10.00] 關於感恩節吃雞 你不知道的幾件事解答
3. When Shannon saw her bus arriving, she started _____ toward it.
  1. running
  2. runs
  3. run
  4. for running
配分:[10.00] 關於感恩節吃雞 你不知道的幾件事解答

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 標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] 外星人真的來過?!盤點世界神秘景觀解答
1. People like this singer because of her _____ voice. No one else sounds like her.
  1. scared
  2. unique
  3. horrible
  4. thirsty
配分:[10.00] 外星人真的來過?!盤點世界神秘景觀解答
2. The dog rolled around on the wet _____ and got very dirty.
  1. pattern
  2. skin
  3. earth
  4. taste
配分:[10.00] 外星人真的來過?!盤點世界神秘景觀解答
3. People made this castle from _____, so it’s very strong.
  1. stone
  2. juice
  3. attention
  4. energy
配分:[10.00] 外星人真的來過?!盤點世界神秘景觀解答

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 標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] 春季出遊指南:南韓濟州島慢活之旅解答
1. What kind of food do they _____ at this restaurant?
  1. mark
  2. serve
  3. add
  4. clean
配分:[10.00] 春季出遊指南:南韓濟州島慢活之旅解答
2. Pete wakes up before the sun _____. It’s still dark.
  1. turns on
  2. sets off
  3. keeps away
  4. comes up
配分:[10.00] 春季出遊指南:南韓濟州島慢活之旅解答
3. My mom doesn’t like silly presents, so I want to give her something _____.
  1. possible
  2. public
  3. useful
  4. unhappy
配分:[10.00] 春季出遊指南:南韓濟州島慢活之旅解答

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